Compute large powers in ZZ/(n)

Compute the last two digits of 9^{1500}.

What we need to find is the residue class of 9^1500 mod 100. Note first that, mod 100, we have the following.
9^{100} = (9^2)^2 \cdot ((((9^2)^2)^2)^2)^2 \cdot (((((9^2)^2)^2)^2)^2)^2
 = 81^2 \cdot (((81^2)^2)^2)^2 \cdot ((((81^2)^2)^2)^2)^2
 = 61 \cdot ((61^2)^2)^2 \cdot (((61^2)^2)^2)^2
 = 61 \cdot (21^2)^2 \cdot ((21^2)^2)^2
 = 61 \cdot 41^2 \cdot (41^2)^2
 = 61 \cdot 81 \cdot 81^2
 = 61 \cdot 81 \cdot 61
 = 1.
Thus 9^{1500} = (9^{100})^{15} = 1^{15} = 1, and the last two digits of 9^{1500} are 01.

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